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Major Breakthrough in First-class Course Construction
Author:   Date:2020-12-02

The Ministry of Education has recently issued the notice on the first batch ofidentifiedstate-level first-class undergraduate courses.Introduction to Natural Disaster, a course constructed under the guidance of professor Chi Baoming was recognized as one of the first batch of state-level first-class courses adopting the approach of online and offline mixed teaching. This is a major breakthrough in the curriculum construction of our school.

IDP has always attached great importance to curriculum construction and reform. In recent years, we have been making great efforts to fund the construction of online open courses.Up to now, 18 online courses have been completed.Introduction to Natural Disasterwas one of the first online open courses supported by our school. After 4 years of continuous improvement by the course team, it has now become a high-quality featured course of IDP. In the future, IDP will continue with its support of curriculum construction in its strategy, and strive to create more first-class undergraduate courses.

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