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IDP Signing Cooperation Agreement on Collaborative Education with Beijing Gangzheng Instrument &?Equipment?Co.?

Date:2018-07-17    Author:     Source:     Click:

Recently, IDP and Beijing Gangzhen Instrument and Equipment Co., Ltd. officially signed a school enterprise cooperation agreement on education. Liu Chunping, vice president of IDP, and Zhuang Cantao, chairman of Beijing Gangzhen Instrument and Equipment Co., Ltd., signed the agreement on behalf of both sides. Hong Li, director of Academic Affairs Office, Cai Jianxian, assistant dean of School of Electronics and Control Engineering, Yao Zhenjing, assistant dean of School of Electronics and Control Engineering, heads of relevant departments of Beijing Gangzhen Instrument and Equipment Co., Ltd., and relevant teachers of School of Electronics and Control Engineering attended the meeting and signing ceremony. The meeting was presided over by Cai Jianxian.

At the signing ceremony, Mr. Zhuang Cantao introduced the general situation, technical advantages and cooperation plans of Beijing Gangzhen Instrument and Equipment Co., Ltd. Liu Chunping, vice president, introduced the basic situation, school orientation and department characteristics of IDP. He put forward guiding opinions on the construction of industry instrument practice teaching base and collaborative education work between the two sides, and put forward expectations for further deepening the cooperation with industry and enterprises. After that, Liu Chunping and Mr. Zhuang Cantao signed the cooperation framework agreement on collaborative education between IDP and Beijing Gangzhen Instrument and Equipment Co., Ltd. on behalf of the school and enterprise.

At the signing ceremony, leaders of the two sides, heads of the School of Electronics and Control Engineering, Academic Affairs Office and other units had an in-depth exchange of views on the contents of new engineering education, industry collaborative education, technology research and development and other cooperation fields. The two sides said that they should take the signing ceremony as an opportunity to jointly promote all-round and high-level school enterprise cooperation. In particular, the cooperation in personnel training, discipline construction and technology development should be carried out in a solid and effective manner. The combination of discipline foundation and application will provide considerable professional support for the development of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction equipment.