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Liang Ruilian Leading a Team to Visit the Bidding and Procurement Management Center of Jilin University

Date:2019-10-16    Author:     Source:     Click:

On October 12, 2019, vice president Liang Ruilian led a team to visit the Bidding and Purchasing Management Center of Jilin University and conduct an investigation on the government procurement and bidding management reform of the University. Relevant personnel from the Development and Finance Department and the Asset Management Office joined the visit. During the visit, Liang Ruilian and her party convened a symposium on government procurement, bidding management, project management, budget management and other aspects with the heads of the Bidding and Procurement Management Center, Financial Department and relevant departments of Jilin University, and observed the whole process of digital procurement platform and Sunshine direct purchasing platform.

As a demonstration unit of government procurement and bidding management in colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education, the Bidding and Procurement Management Center of Jilin University has made great achievements in the construction of procurement management team, the construction of bidding management system and the construction of procurement management informationization. Remarkable achievements have been made in standardizing procurement management and improving work efficiency. The introduction of the whole process digital procurement platform and Sunshine direct purchasing platform has a strong reference significance in expanding procurement channels and strengthening internal control management.

Liang Ruilian briefly introduced the basic situation and specific measures of government procurement and bidding management in IDP and said that we would learn from Jilin University in the aspect of rules and regulations construction, "IOT + government procurement", creating business environment and internal control implementation so as to improve the government procurement management of IDP.